Kartik Singhal

I am an undergrad at IIIT Delhi, India, studying Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (2021-25).

During my time at UofSC, I worked on audio-visual navigation for search and rescue scenarios with Dr. Mehdi Yaghouti and Dr. Pooyan Jamshidi. Just after school, I did a remote internship at IIT Hyderabad, where I explored dynamic networks and continual learning. It turned to be more of an introduction to how things work in research world, than a project.

Email  /  CV  /  LinkedIn  /  Github

Hi, I am looking for research internships in academia/industry for 3 months or maybe 8 months, starting May 2024.

profile photo


IIIT Delhi
U of South Carolina
Summer 2023
IIT Hyderabad
July-Dec 2021


Google Code-In 2019: Selected as Grand Prize Winner for open-source contribution and won a sponsored trip to Google HQ, San Francisco, but COVID happened.


I'm interested in AI, robotics and perception, broadly autonomous systems. This semester, I am working on three things, robotics course, MLOps and a project with Dr. Sayan Basu Roy on adaptive extremum seeking lying at intersection of online optimization and control.

Multi-Sense-Rescuer: Multi-Target Audio-Visual Learning and Navigation in Search and Rescue Scenarios
Kartik Singhal, Mehdi Yaghouti, Pooyan Jamshidi
IROS Learning Robotic Super Autonomy Workshop, 2023 [Under review at ICRA 2024]
Project Page / PDF

Extending audio-visual source seeking navigation to multi-source scenario and employing transfer learning results in ~10x improvement in sample efficiency for Matterport3D dataset.

This website template is borrowed from Jon Barron's website.